Articles in English

WASHINGTON, DC – COVID-19 has confronted the world with a horrific crisis. Because developing a vaccine will likely take at least a year, governments need to buy time to keep health-care facilities from being overwhelmed and to minimize the number of people who fall ill and die, not least by reducing the rate of new infections
25 мая 2020 5 мин. 11185
NEW HAVEN/HONG KONG – Public opinion in the United States pins the blame for the COVID-19 pandemic squarely on China. After all, that’s where the virus started. And President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have fanned the flames by accusing China of covering up the outbreak and knowingly allowing the novel coronavirus to spread. But their supposed smoking gun, the tragic fate of the heroic whistleblower, Li Wenliang, fires only blanks
22 мая 2020 6 мин. 7379
Bogdan Terzi is a creator and head of the international advertising company Amillidius, Ukrainian marketing and business expert, the author of the book “Entrepreneur’s ABC" and of many publications in the media. He also has experience in producing various projects: from national awards to viral sports Internet-shows. As a business person, he is an active philanthropist: the money he raised from selling his book was donated to the children’s funds; he is also a participant of the charitable project “Pomoghi” (Help)
21 мая 2020 5 мин. 14118
The inside story behind the pandemic, the CEO and a promising, unproven treatment
21 мая 2020 14 мин. 14551
Over the last few quarantine months many foreigners have contacted us asking as to how to act when stopped by the Kazakhstan police
20 мая 2020 2 мин. 7474
In a bid to revive the country’s hard-hit tourism industry before the summer holidays, Italy announced Saturday it will allow travel in and out of the country starting June 3
19 мая 2020 2 мин. 7632
With the global pandemic reaching more than 175 countries and territories, companies across the Asia-Pacific are responding to the crisis on several fronts
18 мая 2020 7 мин. 5937
NEW DELHI – Among the many inequalities revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most striking is the dramatic divergence in governments’ fiscal responses. Economic activity has collapsed worldwide as a result of lockdown measures to contain the coronavirus. But while some developed countries have been able to deploy fiscal stimulus on an unprecedented scale, most have not
15 мая 2020 5 мин. 11042