Articles in English

Jeff Skoll has been funding pandemic preparedness for more than a decade, even longer than Bill Gates. In recent months, he’s increased his philanthropic giving to help combat Covid-19
25 июня 2020 9 мин. 8906
Speaking at the Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy, the couple discuss plans to make sure that Covid-19 treatments and vaccines don’t just go to the highest bidding nations but are distributed equitably
24 июня 2020 5 мин. 12387
As Covid-19 fallout sinks global growth, major central banks are throwing an America-sized life preserver at the crisis
23 июня 2020 4 мин. 5315
PRINCETON – Well before COVID-19 struck, there was another epidemic running rampant in the United States, killing more Americans in 2018 than the coronavirus has killed so far. What we call “deaths of despair” – deaths by suicide, alcohol-related liver disease, and drug overdose – have risen rapidly since the mid-1990s, increasing from about 65,000 per year in 1995 to 158,000 in 2018
22 июня 2020 6 мин. 5496
What if the U.S. had the economic equivalent of a Sputnik moment and the White House failed to notice?
19 июня 2020 5 мин. 7739
Number crunchers are coming up with an increasingly downbeat outlook for the global economy
18 июня 2020 14 мин. 10413
AUSTIN – As protests roil the United States, the country’s center-left economists gaze brightly into their crystal balls
17 июня 2020 6 мин. 5197
NEW DELHI – Students in introductory macroeconomics courses typically used to learn about the paradox of thrift. This theory, popularized by John Maynard Keynes, states that if households decide to save more and consume less during a slowdown or recession (because of uncertainty about future income), then the resulting reduction in aggregate demand will aggravate the economic decline
16 июня 2020 5 мин. 4156