Articles in English

LONDON – Wars end when the belligerents give up fighting. The surest way for this to happen, and sometimes the least destructive, is through a decisive battle that leads to unconditional surrende
10 января 2020 5 мин. 11056
NEW HAVEN – Predicting the next crisis – financial or economic – is a fool’s game. Yes, every crisis has its hero who correctly warned of what was about to come. And, by definition, the hero was ignored (hence the crisis). But the record of modern forecasting contains a note of caution: those who correctly predict a crisis rarely get it right again
09 января 2020 5 мин. 8519
If you want a glimpse of the future of banking, don’t look to Silicon Valley or Manhattan’s financial district. Instead, drive across the George Washington Bridge to Fort Lee, New Jersey
08 января 2020 11 мин. 18833
Global investors tend to group Kazakhstan along with Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), but its market fundamentals are markedly different and they appear to offer some interesting investment opportunities going into 2020
06 января 2020 6 мин. 11311
While the markets’ usual knee-jerk reactions to geopolitical shocks tend to fade, “this particular development is different than the others,” Adam Crisafulli, founder of Vital Knowledge, said in a note on Friday
05 января 2020 3 мин. 6021
If the 1980s marked the rise of personal computing and the 1990s and the 2000s the ascendance of internet connectivity, the 2010s will be known as the decade in which bitcoin and other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies started to change the way the world moves value
31 декабря 2019 4 мин. 18750
CAMBRIDGE – Forget the stock market and the low unemployment rate: the US economy isn’t working. Productivity growth, a key gauge of economic health, remains historically low. Median wages, an indicator of middle-class living standards, have barely grown in four decades. Inequality is high, and market power is increasingly concentrated in the hands of just a few companies. Americans used to dismiss Europe as the land of government-protected, noncompetitive firms. Now, European markets in most industries appear more competitive than those in the United States
30 декабря 2019 6 мин. 9591
Gleaned from the pages of a book purchased by accident at the University of Nebraska, Warren Buffett's investment philosophy–buy and hold stocks forever–has proven to be one of the best-performing strategies of all time. It has also paid off particularly well this past decade
27 декабря 2019 3 мин. 17380