Elvira Gavrilova: the dreams that have come true are the goals that were set correctly

Elvira Gavrilova is a Portugal-based Ukrainian whose business interests cover the entire Europe. The business-lady is a co-owner and the CEO in the European region of the international advertising company Amillidius; she is also the Chief Editor of Financoff magazine
Elvira Gavrilova - the producer and Chief Editor. Near the Aqueduto das Águas Livres in Lisbon

Among Elvira’s clients and interviewees, there are royals, celebrities, millionaires, and political figures. Moreover, advertising and promotion of personal brands enable Elvira Gavrilova to reach her potential as a producer. One of her successful projects is the national award Top-100 “Pride and Beauty of Ukraine” and it is popular across the country.

Business as a mission: 10 years of launching successful projects

Elvira Gavrilova and Baron Alexander Zanzer (Monaco Yacht Show 2019)

Elvira, you look so young - this image doesn’t match well to the chain of your successes in business.

- So I was told (smiles). One of my business partners – a serious entrepreneur – has once made me laugh. We met this summer at the presentation of the Amaala project in Monaco. Several days later, he texted me, “I’ve looked you up on the Wiki. Specifically, at your date of birth. You are such an “oldie”. And you already have an impressive CV! It means you can be a good partner.” Well, it’s risky to make jokes about a woman’s age but I took it as a compliment to my abilities. So, we cooperate very successfully now.

Certainly, 30 is still a young age. However, you already have a solid entrepreneurial experience. When has it started?

- Indeed, I am not short on experience – my first project was launched when I was still a student. 10 years ago, exactly. It was a translation agency, and to start this business I borrowed money from the bank against my apartment. The agency was operating quite well and, besides my university scholarship, I was making a good sum of money. But when I graduated and got a job offer from a large financial company, I had to close down my business.

Elvira Gavrilova in her office at the advertising company Amillidius (Odesa, Ukraine)

So, you decided to change your business into working for someone else?

- I believed it was my dream job. A financial company made me an offer - me, a fresh grad! I was very proud and have no regrets that for some time I put aside my entrepreneurial ambitions for professional growth. The competences I had gained during those several years of work contributed to the foundation of my future success.

Today, you have many successful projects behind your belt. Is there that one project you could call a breakthrough which became a booster for your further growth?

- Absolutely. In 2015, I became the Chief Editor of Financoff – back then, it was a minor newspaper “Money Plus”. In fact, I re-created the magazine. I’ve changed its format, its name, and now I’m introducing it to the international market. My mission was to level up the magazine, and I’m proud that I've accomplished it. I started the work with the brand-new approach to the content. The magazine’s focus shifted from finance only; its pages integrated everything that could be relevant for a modern successful person – business, politics, culture, and show-biz. First, the critics were sceptical about such a format, which I called “business-glossy”. But in no time, other media acknowledged the advantages of such an approach and took it on board for their work, too. So, eventually, I have become a trend-starter.

Elvira Gavrilova in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (Milan, Italy)

Elvira Gavrilova: a Ukrainian producer is conquering Europe

These days, you live in Portugal and spent a better part of your time in Europe. How does it influence your projects? Does it make your work easier or harder?

- For running the magazine, it doesn’t create any additional difficulties - the team of professionals, whom I can trust completely, works on every magazine edition. And thanks to the modern means of communication, it is very easy to control the process remotely. While the promotion of Financoff in the European market and my work as the Amillidius CEO in the European Region benefit from my location a great deal. I mostly work with VIP customers, including business people, politicians, and artists. I promote both companies and personal brands and produce various projects. And to be efficient, it is crucial to be close to your customers.

Elvira Gavrilova and His Royal Highness, Prince Michel Umberto Antoine Peter Mari, Member of the House of Karađorđević (Monaco, Hotel de Paris)

Let’s focus on your producing activities. Do you have your most favourite project?

- Asking me to choose one among all those projects I am so passionate about is like asking a mother to pick one of her children. But the most socially meaningful feat is the award “Top-100 Pride and Beauty of Ukraine”. Within this project, I pursued several global objectives. First is to make Ukrainians meet their fellow citizens who - not in words but in deeds - create Ukraine’s future. My other major ambition was to present the best side of my country to the world, telling about the true masters of their craft. And of course, I wanted to open up prospects for the participants themselves. They were given massive exposure and comprehensive business collaboration not only with one another but also with their European colleagues.

I’d like to mention that for the award ceremony, I always opt for the best possible venues. For instance, in recent years, the ceremonies were hosted by one of the world’s most beautiful theatres - Odesa Theater of Opera and Ballet. By the way, our red carpet has made a new entry in the Record Book as Europe’s longest.