Mikhail Lomtadze awarded the ‘People’s Gratitude’ medal by the President of Kazakhstan

Awarded for selfless work during the pandemic
Mikhail Lomtadze
Mikhail Lomtadze

On June 23, as part of the 'Biz Birgemiz' online forum, a ceremony was held to award the People’s Gratitude Medal, on behalf of the President of Kazakhstan.

“Solidarity, resilience and empathy are the traditional values ​​of our people,” said President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev at the opening of the forum. “It is these qualities that have helped us overcome the most difficult times in our history.  In the face of common misfortune, our unity becomes stronger. ‘We are together’ ('Biz Birgemiz') is the new motto of our society.  Every day we have witnessed feats accomplished throughout the country by medical workers, police officers, members of the Armed Forces, volunteers, and philanthropists.  Today, my words of gratitude are addressed first and foremost to all of you!"

Mikhail Lomtadze, CEO of Kaspi.kz, commented:

“This award is testament to every Kaspi.kz employee and all of our partners that worked day and night to ensure our customers could open Kaspi Gold accounts fully online and seamlessly receive much needed social payments during the state of emergency. We would like to thanks our colleagues from the National Bank, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection  and “Government for Citizens” for their support.  As a result, 4.4 million people received their payments online through the Kaspi.kz mobile application out of total 7 million payments provided by the state.

Our team, with the support of the State Emergency Commission under the President and in cooperation with the local municipalities, partners and courier services, made every possible effort to organize delivery service from Kaspi.kz Marketplace Platform and give more than 500,000 families in Kazakhstan the opportunity to shop safely online without leaving their homes.  On behalf of our team and our dear clients, we would like to thank everyone who helped organize online shopping and delivery in every city nationwide."

Mikhail Lomtadze and Vyacheslav Kim, co-founders of Kaspi.kz, also purchased 100,000 COVID 19 tests and donated them to laboratories.

The 'People’s Gratitude' medal was awarded to those, who made a significant contribution to the life of the country during this difficult period, including doctors, policemen, military personnel, cultural figures, media representatives, volunteers and philanthropists.

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