The Story of Creating a Hurricane Prevention Technology

Houston. Last days of August 2017. I, my wife Galina and our cutest granddaughter Isla, locked down by the hurricane Harvey in our 9th floor high-rise condo

Houston is severely flooded. We don’t know what’s the actual damage is but obviously it is huge. All roads, businesses are shut down. We, however, are well prepared with lots of food and water. Not much to do, just spending time watching down from the balcony seeing cars drifting down with the flow of water along the S. Rice Street. 

The biggest thing that concerns us at the time is that we have not heard from my friend, partner and co-inventor Professor Anatolii Bazhal, who lives in a house in Caney, Texas. We only hear that that part of town is flooded badly and people are being evacuated. No cell phone though, no connection at all.

A few days later we learned that water came all the way up to the porch of his house and partially flooded the floor. FEMA crew came by on a boat to evacuate Dr. Bazhal but he refused to go. He was busy. When the restrictions to use freeways in Houston were lifted on the first days of September 2017 the first thing, we did was going to see Dr. Bazhal in his house in Caney. While driving along I-59 we were able to see the devastation caused by Harvey. Entire subdivisions along the freeway, like Kingwood, for example, were flooded up to roofs of the houses. 

On the way to Dr. Bazhal’s house I was thinking that this is the time to bring up the priority of the Earth technologies to the top of the list. Shortly after I found out that Dr. Bazhal was thinking about the same.

For him this Harvey lockdown time was the perfect time to put down on paper all the ideas and modeling we have done to date scientifically describing a hurricane – the most powerful natural example of accumulation and release of atmospheric energy, which we later defined as Low Potential Energy of the Atmosphere or LPEA. Another word, he saw this Harvey caused lockdown as an opportunity to work productively for a few days without being interrupted with phone calls or visits. Two years later those notes become the pivot of our patent called ­­­“Method of Managing and Controlling of Forming and Developing of Hurricanes.”

The reason I recalled this, a four-year-old story, is this: A few days ago, I came across an article that interested me a lot. One Norwegian company came about with technology of preventing hurricanes. Norwegian company hopes bubble curtain technology can combat major hurricanes ( While the intentions and assumptions were correct, the technology itself appeared as an unrealistic one and is unlikely going to work. Most likely it will fail in the first attempt and, I am afraid, will bury the whole concept for years.

The inventor used well defined and documented data of conditions necessary for formation of hurricanes and came to a method of breaking those conditions. That is correct. Hurricanes will not be formed if the necessary conditions are not met. The main condition is this: the sea water on the surface must be of 80F/27C or greater. The utopia starts and ends with the method of breaking that main condition. The author offers creating an air bubble barrier pumping air to a depth of 100 meters and having those bubbles travelled up to the surface lifting the cold water along. The cold water or air (not clear from the article) that comes from the deep would mix with the 80F surface water and would cool it off below the critical temperature of having the hurricane formed.

Why the idea is unrealistic? Here is why: Air has very little calorific value, so in order to cool off colossal volume of the heated water with the air bubbles it would take infinitely long time for the bubbling to do the job. But in order to ensure quick response to a timely prevention of the sea temperature reaching up the critical 80F we must be able to act very quickly capping and reducing the surface water temperature. The air bubbling method will not be able to get that result. It will have to be a cold water mixed with the hot surface water to control the surface temperature below the critical value. We’ll have to move up super-large volume of cold water in a super-short period of time up from the deep for it. 

Maybe the inventor means airlifting cold water from the deep? Air/gas lift method has been in use since the end of 18th century and is very well studied and understood. Oil production science counts 25000+ patents on air/gas lift filed from the year of 1930 to date. In order to lift water from the depth with air/gas bubbles an airlifting tube would be required. Otherwise, air bubbles would just travel up to the surface and the water will stay in place not moving up. So, the technology unit seems to be consisting of a roll of lifting pipe rolled down to the depth of 100 m. An air pipe is inside of the lifting pipe. A compressor pumps air down the air pipe. The air bubbles come out of the air pipe within the lifting pipe and travel up inside the lifting pipe bringing the cold water along. I am imagining an engineer reading this text and wondering why in the world an inventor is using this exotic but proven to be inefficient and expensive method instead of simply placing an ESP at the low end of the pipe. That would most likely be more efficient and not as costly.

An abnormally heated ocean surface area where conditions come close to the critical 80F accounts for thousands of square kilometers. Abstracting from all other considerations it is simply not doable to deploy the airlift operations to cool off the surface of thousands of square kilometers of the sea surface.

The GALEX solution to this problem is based on the same idea of cooling off the sea surface waters. In order to do it we use impulse-wave based mechanism of moving large volumes of water from the depth up to the surface. Our technology not limited with depth and can move up the water from the deeper and colder depths. Our technology can be rapidly deployed, it does not require any significant resources, machinery or fleet of ships. And the last but not the list, it is way less expensive than the one suggested.

The GALEX approach to this phenomenon of hurricanes is broader than just preventing of hurricane from happening. Again, the technology we patented is called ­­­“Method of Managing and Controlling of Forming and Developing of Hurricanes.”

One may ask: “why “Managing and Controlling, why not just Preventing” of hurricanes”? Well, because preventing of hurricanes is only one, and not the main, importance of this technology. The main areas of applications of this technology are seen as ways of generation of costless, convenient, reliable, low maintenance sustainable energy and fresh water. Managed and controlled a hurricane-like mechanism is the way to utilize the LPEA (Low Potential of Energy of the Atmosphere). Recently I published an article in Oil & Gas Journal of Kazakhstan, #4, 2021, naming LPEA the future of the world energy.

The idea of using the hurricane-like mechanism to utilize the limitless atmospheric energy had come to our minds in late 2000’s caused by serios of hurricanes like Katrina, Wilma, Rita, Dean and Felix. The thermodynamic physics of the chain of transformations of the original sun energy into hurricane was understood by as all along, so we knew that the potentials of the energy existing in the atmosphere and available for utilization is in great excess of any possible current or future use by the humans. The hurricanes were the most convincing purely natural demonstration of accumulation and release of that energy. In addition, the fresh water that hurricanes pour down flood huge territories while some entire regions on other sides of the Earth suffer from severe droughts. It made us thinking on how we can use that natural phenomenon giving energy and water where they are needed the most instead of seeing them wasted in devastating hurricanes.

The scientific model of a hurricane as a mechanism and the model of concentrating and releasing of excessive atmospheric energy was defined and built in the mater of the first year working on the subject. Then we started a long R&D process of engineering technologies for practical applications of the findings. As a few practical follow ups to those fundamental principles, we outlined a technology of creating a hurricane-type motion locked in a framed modular and use it as a generator of energy and fresh water. Such a modular could be deployed practically anywhere on Earth, as a single unit or a battery of units, and put to work generating water and energy for people. A modular, or series of modulars, could be scaled up and down to the needs and require just nominal maintenance. We called it SWEM – Water and Energy Modulars.

Another practical technology was invented on the basis of the same principals. The technology applicable to irrigating of arid lands sourcing water from the air. Later that technology earned an acronym of SSIT – Sub Soil Irrigation Technology. In August 2021 the technology got proven in our pilot-testing operation near Van Horn, Texas. After 96 hours from commencing the irrigation the moisture content of the initially dry land of the tested strip reached 12% - perfect for growing grape vines, many kinds of vegetables, hemp, other agricultural cultures. Now we are working on optimizing and defining technical and cost parameters of it. Both technologies, SWEM and SSIT, are viewed as the resolution to the global water and energy crises, the basis of beating global warming. They should be widely used in rebuilding of the US water and energy infrastructure, supplying water and sustainable energy to users across the country, playing important role in fighting global warming. In particular, we believe these technologies will play a pivotal role to the most rapid sequestration of the excessive carbon gases from the atmosphere. How to Sequester 6 Gigaton of CO2 | LinkedIn

In July-August of that 2017 year, after we successfully completed a trial of our enhanced oil recovery technology SWEPT at the Wardlaw field (the success was featured by many public sources, including BBC Future energy: The technology allowing more oil extraction - BBC News), we finally got time to take upon our Earth technologies to complete the R&D process and file for patents. Two devastating hurricanes that follow Harvey, named Irma, that brushed off the Richard Branson’s Necker Island, and Maria, cemented our decision to give this matter the top priority ranking. There was the time to bring to everyone’s attention a vision that the multi-hundred-billion dollar per year damages (for US only) can and shall be prevented and the money be saved for something better. People’s lives can be saved too.

Between the three mentioned Earth technologies, the SWEM, SSIT and the hurricane prevention, the last one is the list scientific but still is extremely important considering the impact of hurricanes on the people’s lives, huge economic damages. Humans think of stopping hurricanes for thousands of years. The history of attempts to stop hurricanes is filled with failures and tragedies. Those attempts must discontinue. There is no power in human possession that can overcome the power of a hurricane. And we are not checking in the line of losers offering to stop hurricanes. Our technology is to prevent hurricanes from occurring. We appreciate everyone’s contribution in helping people to free their minds from wrong illusions and understand that it is possible and quite realistic to prevent hurricanes from occurring.

In conclusion:

There is no way to beat a hurricane but there is a way to prevent one. It is possible, doable and will cost reasonably in preventing it. GALEX’s wave-based technology will meet the requirements of rapid deployment and transferring sufficient amount of cold water from the deep to mix with the hot water and prevent a hurricane from forming.

LPEA, Low Potential Energy of the Atmosphere, is the future of the energy industry. GALEX has already patented and proven it and is ready to scalable application of it by means of irrigating deserts for planting trees and other cultures, supplying sustainable energy and fresh water where they are needed without use of power grids or water pipelines, etc.