Documents: Pentagon Spent $184,000 At Trump’s Scotland Resort

While leaders of the Democratic House Oversight Committee voiced frustration with the limited details in the Pentagon’s response, “it still reveals that far more taxpayer funds have been spent at the President’s resort than previously known,” they wrote back to the Pentagon on Wednesday

The Pentagon has spent at least $184,000—if not more—at President Trump’s Scottish resort since he took office, according to documents released by the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday.

  • Given that Trump’s family owns the resort, Democrats have criticized the number of military personnel passing through there, amid claims that Trump could potentially be profiting from spending by the Pentagon.
  • The House Oversight and Reform Committee had originally asked in June about a surge in Air Force flights stopping at Glasgow Prestwick Airport in Scotland. Various crews have been put up 30 miles away, at Trump Turnberry, during overnight stopovers, Politico first reported.
  • Defense Department records show that nearly $125,000 was spent at the Trump Turnberry resort in Scotland since August 2017. At an average cost of $189 per night, that would suggest a total of 660 individual rooms paid for.
  • There was also about $60,000 spent at the resort that could not be tied to actual travel vouchers, with the Pentagon’s letter suggesting that it could have been used on meals and restaurants.
  • The spending figure was disclosed in a letter sent to congressional investigators, who are probing whether Trump violated a constitutional provision prohibiting presidents from enriching themselves through the office. 
  • President Trump has almost routinely mixed his official duties and commercial interests while in office.

Crucial Quote: While leaders of the Democratic House Oversight Committee voiced frustration with the limited details in the Pentagon’s response, “it still reveals that far more taxpayer funds have been spent at the President’s resort than previously known,” they wrote back to the Pentagon on Wednesday.

Key Background: This isn’t the first time there’s been concern over Trump using the office of the presidency to benefit his business. Since he took office, spending at Trump properties by political candidates or organizations, including Trump’s own campaign, has surged. The Trump hotel in Washington D.C., for instance, has become a hotspot for various lobbyists and political figures hoping to garner favor with the president. In the last two years alone, at least 90 members of Congress, 250 administration officials and over 110 foreign officials from nearly 60 different countries have been seen at different Trump properties, according to a count by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

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