
Новые правила начнут действовать после 15 февраля
07 февраля 2018 2.7 мин. 11163
The sweeping tax bill that US President Donald Trump signed into law on December 22, 2017, may have been presented as an early Christmas gift. But to the millions of Americans whose health outcomes will worsen as a result, the legislation looks more like a costly white elephant
Project Syndicate 06 февраля 2018 4.1 мин. 5758
Аким Алматы Бауыржан Байбек встретился с президентом Medical Excellence Japan Шузо Ямамото
01 февраля 2018 1.5 мин. 7487
Такое заявление министр здравоохранения РК сделал в понедельник, 29 января
Sputnik 29 января 2018 1.4 мин. 13250
In the field of human development, the year that just ended was better than many predicted it would be. A decade after the Great Recession began, economic recovery continued in 2017, and progress was made on issues like poverty, education, and global warming
Project Syndicate 24 января 2018 4.3 мин. 37840
Благодаря пожертвованиям клиентов Казкома в Центре перинатологии и детской кардиохирургии появилась лазерная установка для оперативного лечения новорожденных с ретинопатией
Венера Гайфутдинова 22 января 2018 3.2 мин. 7239
Two years after the death of her husband, Valeria, a 67-year-old grandmother in San José, Costa Rica, lives alone. Last year, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes, conditions that, while not immediately life threatening, require health care to manage. But, thanks to the quality of Costa Rica’s primary health-care system, Valeria has been able to maintain her independence and her health, even in the absence of family
Project Syndicate 22 января 2018 4.3 мин. 6760
By now, cholera should be history. For decades, health officials have understood how to prevent the disease, doctors have known how to treat it, and development experts have recognized that with clean water and sanitation, outbreaks rarely become epidemics. Unfortunately, the world is not so simple and neat, and the nightmare of cholera persists
Project Syndicate 19 января 2018 4.4 мин. 7413

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