Who's That Girl: Anastasiia Bondarchuk

The girl who conquered the modeling industry
Anastasiia Bondarchuk for the New Year issue of Harper's Bazaar
Anastasiia Bondarchuk for the New Year issue of Harper's Bazaar
ФОТО: personal archive

Despite her young age, Anastasiia Bondarchuk has an impressive number of works, she became a guest on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival with the film «The Incident at Wall Street Hotel», where she played in a pair with the famous Hollywood actor Eric Roberts. Anastasiia Bondarchuk is also known for her collaborations with Chopard, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Fendi, and Aquazzura, and the girl has repeatedly graced the covers of Elle, L'Officiel, Harper's Bazaar, Grazia, Glamour, and many others. It's time to find out who she is and how she conquered the modeling industry.

We are sure that the most frequently asked question concerns your work with Hollywood actor Eric Roberts. Tell me what movie it is. How did the shooting go?

– You're right. Although we shot the film a year ago, and the Cannes Film Festival red carpet was last year, still, the latest interviews are only about this (Smiles).

The shooting of the film «The Incident at Wall Street Hotel», in which I played the daughter of Eric, took place in Odessa. It was a pleasure to work with Eric — he is a professional in his field. I think we have a good tandem. Eric supported me all the time and was my mentor during the filming.

The producer and director of the film was Elvira Gavrilova, with whom I have been cooperating for many years. Therefore, while working on the film, I felt at home with my family.

Anastasiia Bondarchuk for the cover of L'Officiel. BVLGARI Campaign
Anastasiia Bondarchuk for the cover of L'Officiel. BVLGARI Campaign
ФОТО: personal archive

On the Cannes Film Festival red carpet, you came out wearing a stunning dress that everyone definitely remembers. If I'm not mistaken, you completed the look with a chic Chopard necklace, didn't you?

– All right. Also, before going out on the red carpet, I had a photo shoot for Harper's Bazaar Vietnam. I posed for the cover of this magazine wearing Chopard jewelry.

Undoubtedly, over the past two years, you have had many interesting photo shoots, collaborations, and campaigns. Tell us about the project that you remember the most.

– I can single out two of the most memorable projects of recent times. This is a photo shoot for the New Year's issue of Harper's Bazaar in collaboration with BVLGARI, Moncler, and other luxury brands, as well as shooting in a commercial for the compatibility device Gadget 88.

How and where did the shooting of these projects take place?

– The shooting took place in Prague in a very comfortable atmosphere. I was lucky to work with real professionals with whom we have a similar attitude to filming. Thanks to this, we were able to shoot everything quite quickly and without stress. In general, Prague is one of my favorite cities in the world.

Anastasiia Bondarchuk on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival
Anastasiia Bondarchuk on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival
ФОТО: personal archive

Do you currently live in Prague?

Yes, I'm studying marketing at the university here.

Why did you choose this particular profession?

– I decided to become a marketing specialist because I think that this is the closest specialty in the economic field to my personality. Marketing for me is the field of activity in which I can realize myself both creatively and professionally.

How do you manage to combine modeling and studies?

– Actually, it's not easy. It is not always possible to adjust the work schedule to study, but in this case, I study hard while traveling to keep up.

Is it easy to be famous at such a young age?

– I like having a busy schedule and doing interesting projects. Through my work, I meet amazingly talented people.

What attracts you to a modeling career?

– Of course, the opportunity to travel, and make new acquaintances with creative people, whether they are models, designers, or directors ... I consider myself an aesthete and enjoy beauty, and in the modeling business, it is everywhere.

Anastasiia Bondarchuk and Eric Roberts on the set of the film «The Incident at Wall Street Hotel»
Anastasiia Bondarchuk and Eric Roberts on the set of the film «The Incident at Wall Street Hotel»
ФОТО: personal archive

Your photos adorn dozens of covers of fashion magazines. What is your favorite, and why?

– Probably my favorite cover of L'Officiel India. Then I tried on a lot of looks from world luxury brands. And by the way, many have noted my resemblance to Gigi Hadid (Smiles).

How much does the world need fashion at this moment in the development of society?

Fashion was, is and will be necessary. People always want to be beautiful. Nowadays, beauty and fashionable clothes are still in demand. And as we all know, where there is demand, there are offers. Therefore, I think that fashion will exist at all times.

You have interesting looks. Is it you who decides what you wear? Or do your stylists tell you?

– In everyday life, I choose outfits on my own, but when I work on a project, fashion stylists take care of my looks.

What are your modeling dreams?

– I would like to become the face of the fashion house Bottega Veneta. I hope I will succeed in it.

What does success in the modeling business mean to you? And who can you call a successful model?

– I have always admired the supermodels of the 1990s: Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, and, of course, Christy Turlington. Of the modern models, my icon is Bella Hadid. I like her diligence and strong character.

What, in your opinion, is the secret of models that achieve worldwide success?

– To achieve something, you need to work hard, be ready for failures, not give up, go further, improving in your professional activities.

Life is too short to waste it on work that does not bring you any pleasure. You need to find yourself through your favorite business and remain a good person at the same time.

Anastasiia Bondarchuk. Advertising campaign for BUUNT, Dubai
Anastasiia Bondarchuk. Advertising campaign for BUUNT, Dubai
ФОТО: personal archive

What is the most valuable piece of advice you have been given?

– I used to think that I did not depend on the opinions of other people. My mother gave me the most valuable advice: work as if no one could see or hear you, and not be embarrassed to be yourself. These words played a big role in my professional path.

For you, a modeling career is just a job or a lifestyle?

– I believe that work and lifestyle cannot exist separately. At least, for me.

Is the modeling world cruel? Is there competition between girls?

– I can not say about the cruelty, I have not had such cases yet. Perhaps because I am a non-conflict person.

What advice can you give to aspiring models?

– If something doesn’t work out for you, never give up and boldly go to the intended goal! Love yourself, and then everything will work out!

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