The Top Ten Countries To Be A Digital Nomad

Over recent years the concept of remote working has become an everyday reality as technologies have improved and corporate acceptance has become more common

This has only been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and stay-at-home requirements enforced by many countries around the world. 

With vaccinations starting to roll out globally and hopes of more freedom of movement coming soon, there’s never been a better time to embrace life as a digital nomad – to continue working remotely but combine it with travel (to the places and at the times it’s safe to do so), new experiences and a complete change of lifestyle. 

In response to the increased need to work from home many countries have introduced working holiday visas to encourage a new form of tourism to boost their badly affected coffers. After all, if you’ve worked remotely and effectively for months there’s no reason you can’t continue to do so from further afield, whether that’s a mountain retreat, beachside resort or far flung city you love.

But there are some vital things to consider when choosing which country to make your new digital home. With that in mind Circle Loop has done the legwork for you, taking in a range of factors from the price and speed of net connections to rental prices and remote job searches. It even takes in country rankings on the Global Happiness Index. Its results have informed its Digital Nomad Index ranking the top ten countries in which to be a digital nomad. 

Taking the top spot is Canada. Home to one of the largest tech hubs in the world it scores well across the board, from fast internet speeds to a top ten ranking on the Global Happiness Index and by far the most remote job search returns in the top ten. Coupled with its renown as one of the world’s friendliest and most welcoming countries, it’s easy to see why 21.3% of its population is made up of immigrants and why it sits at the top of this year’s index. 

Somewhat surprisingly considering the current turmoil of Brexit, the UK is the runner up thanks to the volume of remote jobs available coupled with a high standard of living. It tops a strong run of European countries dominating the index – aside from Canada, the only other non European country in the top ten is Australia in ninth.

Third place goes to Romania – a country I’d wager isn’t on most people’s digital nomad radar. But as one of the fastest growing information technology markets in Central and Eastern Europe, it’s a great marriage of opportunity and fantastically low living costs – super fast fixed line broadband packages cost around $8 a month! 

Here are the top ten countries to be a digital nomad.

The Digital Nomad Index top ten features eight European countries.

You can see the full list of 85 countries on the index and explore the methodology behind it here.

Duncan Madden 

P.S. There is no Kazakhstan in the list.

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