Kaspi.kz – ranked no. 1 e-commerce store in Kazakhstan again

Kaspi.kz has once again taken first place in the ranking of Kazakhstan’s largest online shopping platforms, according to Top KZ Retail E-Commerce 2022

This is the fifth year in a row that Kaspi.kz has been recognized as Kazakhstan’s leading e-commerce company.

«Thank you to each of our clients and partners for being with us! Kaspi.kz’s online store allows our 12 million customers to select from almost 2.5 million products, at the best possible prices, with free delivery. For our merchants, must of whom are local small and medium-sized businesses, we help them reach new customers, grow their businesses and create jobs», commented Mikhail Lomtadze, CEO and co-founder of Kaspi.kz.

The Top KZ Retail E-Commerce ranking is prepared annually by Forbes Kazakhstan in conjunction with international consulting company Baker Tilly Kazakhstan. The ranking is based on revenue from online sales.

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