Amillidius: marketing from A to Z — consistency wins

A brilliant idea, supported by the market demand, and a serious starting-up capital still do not make business immune to failure. Even with the initial conditions being equal, some succeed and some go broke. In most cases, the reason for such failure is an inconsistent marketing strategy. International advertising company Amillidius is successful in counteracting this negative trend: its customers around the world are well aware that marketing is only efficient when it is consistent!
Amillidius is an international advertising company that provides a full range of integrated service
Amillidius is an international advertising company that provides a full range of integrated service

Amillidius — the conveyor of marketing knowledge

Marketing is a cornerstone of any entrepreneurial activity. Quite often, even what looks like a monumentally solid construction of the business can start shaking and giving a crack because its owner didn’t pay enough attention to the marketing strategy. For eight years now, Amillidius has seen its mission in the promotion of marketing knowledge and been trying to protect entrepreneurs from the losses. Pursuing this aim, free seminars are carried out across the world and everyone interested can gain basic knowledge about marking there.

Mission of Amillidius — marketing literacy for everyone.
Mission of Amillidius — marketing literacy for everyone.

As a conveyor of marketing literacy, the company is not only focused on those planning to start their own business - for the experienced business people, there is a special proprietary advanced course in marketing. During both individual and group classes, the marketing-practicing professionals help the business people systematize the knowledge they already have and gain more. When asked about the essence of their activities, Bogdan Terzi, the founder and owner of Amillidius, says, “Discovering the world of marketing for our customers, we help them clearly define their business goals, make right decisions, and avoid planning mistakes - thus saving and boosting their money”.

Amillidius developed a training course for business people.
Amillidius developed a training course for business people.

Marketing by Amillidius — global tasks, massive possibilities

Amillidius has carried out many successful advertising campaigns in different countries, employing the possibilities which are provided by modern on-line technologies. High demand for the Company’s services and the effort to make its service even better resulted in the decision to open the Company's branch in Europe. Communication with the customer can take place both in the office or on-line but anyway, Amillidius customers will receive the result they hope for. Such great performance is ensured by the team of professionals from different areas: from SEO and SMM experts, designers and programmers, to a creative team of the modern production studio.

The basic service list includes creating and introduction of the brand image and introduction of the line of the new products, upgrade for the existing ones, attracting and retaining the customers. The comprehensive service of brand management enjoys especially high demand. It comprises an entire range of services.

Brand platform – a key component of marketing planning.
Brand platform – a key component of marketing planning.

The support point of any brand is its brand platform.

“Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind,” - Walter Landor, one of the pioneers of the modern branding, memorably stated. Amillidius applies this postulate at every stage of the work on creating and managing a brand image: from determining a market niche and portraying an average consumer to creating a visual and audio image of the brand.

The high-caliber experts of the Company arm the customers with an extremely powerful marking tool of brand management – brand platform. It is this platform that turns a product or a service into a brand, building up an emotional concept, drawing consumers’ attention, ensuring efficient communication between the brand and its target audience.

Amillidius – always hitting the goal.

An important problem that Amillidius solves successfully is helping the customers shoot ahead in the competitive battle, responding immediately to any changes in the consumers’ preferences. To make it possible, one should introduce new products to the market from time to time. And this is the time for Amillidius professionals to step in: they come with innovating business ideas to create new products and upgrade the existing line.

Amillidius takes the companies to the big league.
Amillidius takes the companies to the big league.

The ultimate goal of these efforts is to stimulate a customer to buy a product or a service. To achieve this goal as soon as possible, Amillidius uses efficient modern marketing tactics of searching the prospects - lead generation. This tool collects the contact information (leads) to then convert it into real customers. Partially, this problem is addressed by contextual advertising – the ads emerging after using search engines. Another “assistant” here is targeting advertising on the social media – here, the selection criteria are based not on the users’ requests but rather on the social, demographic, and other audience features. Depending on the customer’s tasks and market peculiarities, the partner programs such as PPA and PPS advertising are also used along with other ways to attract Target Audience.

According to the statistics, purchasing decisions of 92% of users are based on the comments. This is the reason why Amillidius pays great attention to maintaining the positive image of the brand and products.

Proprietary solutions and skillful application of most advanced marketing tools, the team of the field professionals with many-year experience and successful cases across the world - this is the foundation which the advertising company Amillidius offers to your business. One must not forget that success asks for consistent marketing. And consistent marketing is Amillidius.

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